Poetry & Spoken Word

F.O.G- U – Is an Artivistic cultural offering and expression of being, healing, accepting and claiming my natural right as a hue-man the beautiful Colours of the Earth in reverence of the resilience of our ancestors…

Shapes & Shadows

A shadow of a man, I risked to become

in a faraway land

dissimilarly similar, yet insidiously familiar

to my own, like a colonial hangover

denied pagan hydration

the salve viewed as

primitive, outdated, undesirable,

hence god became a man

so you pour another drink, turn the page,

press Esc. Alt. delete

what’re convenient & works

like nano-centric medicine,

an extracting act as an assimilated amnesiac

inflicted in & upon itself,

like loading viruses into a vaccine,

injecting dead foetal cells

into your body to immunitise you

against dying, as if we can cure, cheat death

barely a wink at the sight of rest

forgotten like the experiencing

of my 1st sunset

if memory was worth gold

I’d be a rich man’s memory’s child

in an equal world that’s never been known

only the wretched would thus accept it

to be so & no rebellion

would ever be needed,

the wretched don’t

so it could never be even for par

So, don’t trust the shapes of shadows

tread with attention

as it changes,

shifts & shapes in every moment

without a doubt

that’s where hope lives,

breathe & embrace the light

that emerges from darkness

as it is a natural consequence of

cause, hue, saturation and effect

trusting the Shape of a shadow

is like accepting the word of a politician

as truth, it’s like placing

a drug & paedophilia rehab

next to a children’s care centre

inexplicable, yet I know it to be true

right here where we live

round the corner

these are strange times

like they harkening after

the bad ol’ times when their power

was unquestioned and enforced

through genocide enamelled

in karmic chaos channelled

to deceive, divide & conquer

claiming virtue as their motivation

as a ruse like believing the Creator

to be a man with a temper

and primordial Eve to be a weak sinner

Shapes & Shadows

might be intriguing

thus making it appealing

some things are better left unexplored,

harsh lessons learned

helplessly, watching friends foaming at the mouth

whilst writhing, withering,

in front of my eyes, stricken

like a phantom pantomime

on the floor, soiled soul scorned

some lessons are better off,

not getting learned,

for a Shape of a Shadow

could definitely make a fool

stumble & fall

a shadow teaches bravado

that it is not always needed

sometimes all it takes

is a gentle word to set you off on the

right, left, centred cause…

Where’s your path leading?

is your end a new beginning

towards which to strive

or the beginning of the end

of your striving?

sometimes all it takes

is a gentle word

Poetry and spoken word are both powerful forms of artistic expression, but they differ in their delivery, presentation, and intended impact. While they share some similarities, such as the use of language and rhythm, there are important nuances between the two. In this response, we will explore the importance of poetry and spoken word, highlighting their unique qualities, impact, and cultural significance.

Poetry: Poetry is a literary form that has been prevalent for centuries, spanning across different cultures and languages. It is characterized by its use of concise and evocative language, often employing techniques such as rhyme, meter, imagery, and metaphor. Poetry can be written and read silently, allowing readers to engage with the text at their own pace, savouring the nuances of language, and contemplating its meaning. Poetry has the power to evoke emotions, convey complex ideas, and offer insights into the human experience. It can explore a wide range of themes, including love, nature, politics, and social issues, providing a space for introspection and reflection.

Importance of Poetry:

  1. Emotional Expression: Poetry provides a unique platform for individuals to express and explore their emotions, whether it is joy, sorrow, love, or anger. Through carefully chosen words and vivid imagery, poets can evoke strong emotional responses in readers, creating a sense of connection and empathy.
  2. Beauty and Aesthetic Appreciation: Poetry celebrates the beauty of language and the art of storytelling. It offers a space for creativity and imagination, inviting readers to appreciate the sound, rhythm, and musicality of words. Poetry can transport readers to different worlds, capturing the essence of a moment or painting vivid mental images.
  3. Social Commentary: Poetry has long been used as a medium for social and political commentary. Poets often engage with social issues, challenging the status quo, and raising awareness about injustices or inequalities. Poetry can give a voice to marginalized communities, expressing their experiences and perspectives.
  4. Preservation of Culture and History: Poetry plays a vital role in preserving cultural traditions, history, and oral storytelling. Many ancient cultures relied on poetic forms to transmit their myths, legends, and historical narratives from one generation to another. By continuing to write and recite poetry, contemporary poets contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Spoken Word: Spoken Word is a dynamic and performative art form that combines elements of poetry, theatre, and storytelling. It is characterized by its oral delivery, often performed in front of an audience. Spoken word performances are highly engaging and involve the use of voice, gestures, body language, and intonation to convey emotions and meaning. Unlike poetry, which is primarily consumed through reading, spoken word is experienced in real-time, enhancing its immediacy and impact.

Importance of Spoken Word:

  1. Oral Tradition and Performance: Spoken word has deep roots in oral traditions, where stories, histories, and cultural knowledge were passed down through generations. It emphasizes the performative aspect of storytelling, drawing on the power of the spoken word to captivate, entertain, and engage listeners. Spoken Word performances often involve improvisation, audience interaction, and the use of theatrical techniques to create a compelling and immersive experience.
  2. Amplifying Marginalized Voices: Spoken word has been embraced by marginalized communities as a means to express their lived experiences, challenges, and aspirations. It offers a platform for individuals to share their personal stories, confront social issues, and challenge dominant narratives. Spoken word allows marginalized voices to be heard, validated, and celebrated, fostering a sense of empowerment and community.
  3. Social Justice and Activism: Spoken word has become an important tool for social justice activism. Many spoken word artists use their performances to address systemic issues, advocate for change, and mobilize communities. Through powerful and impassioned delivery,